Women as Imitators of the Church: The Role of the Wife and Mother
“When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a beautiful garden, with trees and flowers so unique and breathtaking…
“When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a beautiful garden, with trees and flowers so unique and breathtaking…
13 Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,…
Every year, to have the “best time of the year,” exorbitant amounts are spent during the season of Christmas. It…
“After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and…
Jesus Christ is the creator, sustainer, and savior of the world. He is the God-man: truly God and truly man.…
“Meekness and majesty,” a child and a king! The wise men (Magi) came to witness this mysterious combination of traits…
Who are the wise men who came to visit baby Jesus? Where are they from? And what is their significance…
Stars are everywhere. About 200 billion trillion of them. They are all around us all the time. Then, December comes…
Who are shepherds? Shepherds are those people who tend to flocks of sheep or goats. It is an ancient profession…
Gold for the King In Genesis 2, Havilah is a land rich in gold, its shores grazed by the streams…
When a man and a woman get married a new relationship is established not just between the man and the…
Discipling families is the key to building strong church communities. While the world aims to discard God-instituted marriage, it is…