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Book Reviews

Evangelism by Mack Stiles

The Christian bookstore has a wide selection of books on topics such as marriage, prayer, apologetics, and evangelism. However, as the poet Samuel D. Coleridge once wrote, “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.” The vast majority of…

Book Reviews

Missions by Andy Johnson

If one were to ask, “What is the mission of the church?”, it would certainly provoke a wide variety of answers that ranges from seeing everything a Christian does as ‘missions’ to seeing nothing but growing one’s own congregation as…

Book Reviews

Let the Nations be Glad by John Piper

One of the main criteria for a book to qualify as a classic is that it must stand the test of time. John Piper’s book Let the Nations Be Glad has rightfully earned the status of being a classic on…

Book Reviews

Truth For Life by Alistair Begg

I don’t use a daily devotional book for my personal daily devotions. However, when the daily devotional book Truth For Life by Alistair Begg was advertised as being a Rupee one devotion per day for a gospel-saturated devotional, I purchased…

Book Reviews

Church Leadership by Dean Holzer

“But what we do claim is that the New Testament is clear concerning how the local church is to be governed and that the Scriptures themselves are sufficient to instruct us in this matter.” This is the foundation of Dean…

Book Reviews

The Shepherd Leader by Timothy Z. Witmer

Among Jesus’ last commandments to the Apostle Peter prior to his ascension was to feed his sheep and to tend his sheep (John 21).  Have you ever thought deeply about what these commandments mean and how they practically apply to…


Character Matters by Aaron Menikoff

James, in his epistle, rightly reminds his readers that the ministry of teaching God’s Word isn’t for everyone. Paul writing to Timothy and Titus emphasizes the characteristics of a Christian leader. The title of the book Character Matters: Shepherding in…

Book Reviews

Habits Of Grace by David Mathis

Christians should read their Bible, pray regularly, and belong to a local church. You may be someone who takes these habits seriously or maybe not! Or, you may be someone like me who at times struggles to remain on track.…

Book Reviews

Caring For One Another by Edward T. Welch

Dr Edward T. Welch is no stranger to the world of Biblical counselling. He has written many helpful articles and books for the benefit of the church at large. Caring for one Another is a short and yet power-packed book…

Book Reviews

Conscience by Andrew D. Naselli & J. D. Crowley

Should Christians celebrate Diwali or Onam (if you’re from Kerala), or Christmas? Should women wear a bindi, or wear ornaments, or not? Arranged marriage or love marriage? Can Christians agree to disagree on issues the Bible doesn’t speak directly on?…

Book Reviews

God’s Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell

What do you look for when you choose books for your children to read? An exciting story? Good illustrations? Of course, most children’s books have colourful illustrations, and a story which grips the attention of children (and adults—at least the…

Book Reviews

Coronavirus and Christ by John Piper

We are living in a time where the uncertainties of life bring fear to many lives. This COVID-19 pandemic has affected the normal course of human life, and has terrified most people on earth. Dreadful helplessness falls upon those who…