Day 1 at AIPC 2023 – Part 2

2 minutes to read
By Equip Indian Churches
How did the second half of the 1st day of AIPC 2023 turn out? Many of the brothers had a great time catching up with old friends and forging new ones over a scrumptious lunch. One could spot brothers in the hall, on the stairs, in the rooms, in the lobby, and really all over the venue, engaged in conversations on theology, ministry, life in different parts of India, and the fantastic morning session from bro Anand, which continued after lunch into the evening. Many even were visiting, browsing, and purchasing books from the great collection of books published by ForTheTruth.
By evening, the participants split into 3 groups to attend the breakout sessions on various topics related to preaching. Bro Benjamin led the session on Preaching from the Psalms, bro Vineet on Preaching from the Old Testament Narratives, and bro Harshit taught Expository Preaching 101. These sessions provided help and tools for for the participants in their own preaching ministry.
After a short break, everyone gathered in the main hall for a time of singing and for the final session of the day where brother Ajay walked us through Luke 24.13ff in showing Christ as the 'inventor' of Christ-centered preaching and Him being the first one to preach such a sermon. This challenged the participants towards keeping Christ as the unifying center of their preaching just as Christ Himself did.
The day was brought to a close by a Q&A session, moderated by bro Benjamin, that addressed some of the questions raised by the participants. A panel of 5 seasoned pastors helped flesh out some of the practical side of both the preparation to preach and the actual work of preaching in their responses to these questions.
Given the events of day 1, certainly, all the participants would be looking forward to the next 2 days of more learning and fellowship!